cardiopulmonary resuscitation, clinical death, sudden cardiac arrest, first aid, paramedics, defibrillationAbstract
Introduction. It is known that the final outcome of advanced prehospital resuscitation by medical and paramedical EMS teams is influenced by a number of key factors: the time frame for the team to reach the patient (victim), the presence (absence) of prehospital care and the quality of resuscitation measures performed by ambulance medics at the scene. A thorough knowledge of the current clinical protocol for sudden cardiac arrest can ultimately significantly reduce prehospital mortality.
The aim of the study – to conduct a clinical and statistical analysis of the activities of EMS teams in Ternopil during 2021–2023, which responded to calls to patients in a state of clinical death.
The main part. The study was based on the number of visits of EMS teams to patients (victims) with sudden cardiopulmonary arrest for the period 2021-2023. The performance of EMS workers was evaluated according to several criteria, including: time of arrival at the scene, rapid identification of signs of clinical death in patients (victims), quality of advanced resuscitation in compliance with the basic provisions of the current CPR protocol. Particular attention was paid to the rapid interpretation of the type of circulatory arrest, timely early defibrillation, correct administration of the necessary medications, with the analysis of potentially reversible causes of clinical death, namely the so-called “4 H`s and 4 T`s”. Attention was also focused on the assessment and timely and adequate provision of airway patency, including tracheal intubation and the use of alternative methods of mechanical ventilation (placement of a laryngeal maxilla, tube, etc.). It should be borne in mind that the total number of fatalities is mainly influenced by the patient’s underlying disease, age, comorbidities, and life-threatening injuries.
Conclusions. Adherence to the latest algorithms for prehospital cardiopulmonary resuscitation against the background of qualified first aid is the key to reducing overall mortality.
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