nursing technologies, nurse, social and household skills, children with mental retardation, educationAbstract
Introduction. The article analyzes the importance of using modern nursing technologies in the formation of social and household skills in children with mental retardation. The relevance of the research is determined by the fact that medical personnel play a key role in the care of such children. One of the main tasks of nurses is to create a favorable environment for the development of children with mental retardation.
The aim of the study – to analyze the importance of using modern nursing technologies in the formation of social and household skills in children with mental retardation.
The main part. It was found that modern nursing technologies are innovative tools, methods and systems used by medical personnel, in particular nurses, to improve the quality of patient care, optimization and efficiency of work processes. The use of these technologies helps to improve the quality of life of children with mental retardation, contributing to their development and social adaptation. It was established that modern nursing technologies help in improving self-care skills, orientation in space, motor development and other aspects of social and household functioning, which is important for the independent life of a child with mental retardation. Attention is focused on such modern nursing technologies as: the use of interactive educational programs; use of virtual reality; use of multimedia materials; online resources and social networks. It is noted that a medical worker, in addition to caring for children with mental retardation, plays the role of a guide to a healthy lifestyle, helps them gain confidence in their own abilities.
Conclusions. It was concluded that modern nursing technologies open wide opportunities for improving the educational process and developing social and everyday skills in children with mental retardation. An important condition for the successful implementation of these opportunities is a comprehensive approach that takes into account the individual needs and capabilities of each child. In addition, medical personnel using these technologies can provide additional support to families of children with intellectual disabilities, helping them to effectively care for their children and develop the skills necessary for successful life in society.
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