transfusion assistance, clinical transfusion process, recipient, blood, blood components, transfusion, safetyAbstract
Introduction. Providing a patient of a health care institution with the necessary transfusion support with round-the-clock logistics of donor blood and/or blood components for providing medical care requires effective organization of the transfusion process and rational use of available hemotransfusion resources.
The aim of the study – to evaluate the state of the organization of transfusion care in a front-line health care facility both in peacetime and in wartime conditions, to study the practical activities of a nurse who participates in the clinical transfusion process, and to offer recommendations for improving the quality of medical care for patients.
The main part. In accordance with the requirements of the national standards of medical care and the standard of the quality management system, the management of the institution approved policies and goals in the field of quality of medical services, documents regulating the functioning of the hospital transfusion committee and the hospital blood bank, local regulatory documents (regulations, instructions, protocols of medical care, standard operational procedures, etc.), which determine the responsibility of each of the participants in the transfusion process. According to the reporting and accounting documentation, which was subject to statistical processing, the issues of timeliness and availability of transfusion assistance to patients, feasibility of erythrocyte therapy, awareness of the recipient about treatment tactics, ensuring patient safety to prevent unwanted incidents, documentation of the clinical transfusion process, and clinical effectiveness of erythrocyte therapy were investigated. The professional activity of a nurse participating in the clinical transfusion process requires high-quality performance of procedures of important stages of blood transfusion and/or blood components necessary for safe transfusion therapy.
Conclusions. The obtained results of the evaluation of the state of the organization of transfusion care in the health care institution testify to the compliance of the clinical transfusion process with the established requirements, the justified use of erythrocytes, and the clinical effectiveness and safety of transfusion therapy with erythrocytes. In order to increase the guarantee of safety and quality of blood and/or blood component transfusion services that meet the regulatory acts of Ukraine, the recommendations of the WHO, the Council of Europe, it is necessary implementation of modern technologies for conducting immunohematological studies and tests for individual compatibility of donor and recipient blood; the use of autologous erythrocytes in medical practice; introduction of an electronic temperature control system for storage, transportation and dispensing of blood products; approval of local documents regarding traceability of blood components and audit of blood transfusions.
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