nurses, optimism, pessimism, stressAbstract
Introduction. Nurses make up 71 % of the world’s healthcare workforce, so their health is important to both the medical community and the healthcare system as a whole. Therefore, it is important to search for associations between various factors and the level of optimism/pessimism in nurses.
The aim of the study – is to establish the characteristics of optimism/pessimism in nurses of therapeutic and surgical departments depending on motivational incentives for work.
The main part. 45 nurses participating in the study, who were trained at ongoing courses of professional development and retraining of junior medical and pharmaceutical specialists. The level of dispositional optimism was determined using a validated questionnaire and scales from official available sources, the content and essence of which is identical to the Ukrainian version. To determine the motivational factors of the work of nurses of therapeutic and surgical departments, we used the validated questionnaire “Study of the motivations of medical staff”. Among nurses of different departments with a high and moderate level of optimism, the main motivational factors were “work to help others”, “interesting work”, “close cooperation with people”, “exciting work”, as well as among nurses in surgical departments - “difficult work ” and “responsible work”. At the same time, the lower the level of optimism among nurses, the lower the motivational factors of work were ranked. The level of optimism among surgical ward nurses is probably higher than that of therapeutic ward nurses for such incentives as “safe work”, “challenging work”, social benefits”, “ability to make a significant contribution to society”, “opportunities to travel”, “opportunities to combine work and “yu”, “flexible schedule”, “opportunities for promotion”, “responsibility at work”, “pleasant working conditions” and “starting salary”.
Conclusions. The obtained data indicate more motivated and optimistic surgical nurses.
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