nurse, mentor, leadership, professional self-realizationAbstract
Introduction. In today’s complex healthcare system, where patient outcomes are the primary focus and patient safety is emphasized, novice nurses must enter practice with leadership and professional skills. The realization of professional self-fulfillment is a crucial aspect of life, which is characterized by a high level of personalization, skill development, and interdependence within the profession, as well as a constant need for professional qualifications and the acquisition of experience of other specialists.
The aim of the study – to analyze indicators of professional self-realization of nurses and establish its connection with mentoring.
The main part. 20 nurses from inpatient departments of hospitals, whose work experience is less than 1 year, were included in the study. Professional self-fulfillment was analyzed with the help of a corresponding questionnaire, which indicates the general level of professional self-fulfillment of a specialist, as well as the degree of expression of its components. According to the results of the questionnaire of professional self-realization of nurses with different years of work experience, it was established that nurses with a duration of work from 6 months to 1 year have a probably higher overall level of professional self-realization by 62.39 % compared to the data of nurses with up to 6 months of work experience. At the same time, according to normative data, the general level of professional self-realization corresponded to a low level of nurses’ work experience of up to 6 months and an average level of work experience of 6 months to 1 year. The analysis of nurses’ answers to the question “Would you like to have a mentor” showed 81.82 % of positive answers among respondents with up to 6 months of work experience and 100 % of positive answers among respondents with more than 6 months of work experience. The results of the survey of nurses, regardless of length of service, regarding the most important traits of a mentor showed the highest importance of leadership as a characteristic of a mentor, while the lowest in the ranking of traits were empathy and an active listener.
Conclusions. The general level of professional self-realization of nurses corresponds to a low level of work experience of up to 6 months and an average level of work experience of 6 months to 1 year, while 90.0 % of nurses would like to have a mentor.
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