
  • U. Yu. Bezkorovayna Municipal institution of higher education of the Lviv Regional Council “Andrei Krupynskyi Lviv Medical Academy”
  • R. V. Nedilko Municipal institution of higher education of the Lviv Regional Council “Andrei Krupynskyi Lviv Medical Academy”
  • І. I. Tverda Municipal institution of higher education of the Lviv Regional Council “Andrei Krupynskyi Lviv Medical Academy”



nursing, nursing education, international experience in nursing education, competency approach


Introduction. The challenges of the 21st century, namely the process of adaptation to modern requirements in education, as well as limited social mobility, cause changes in the higher education system. The relevance of this issue is reinforced by the adoption of the National Framework of Qualifications in Ukraine.

The aim of the study – to study the application of the competence approach in education abroad and the standards of higher education.

The main part. The standard of higher education is used as a basis for determining and evaluating the content and quality of the provision of educational services of a higher education institution that has a license for educational activity in a certain specialty. The new standards are based on a competency-based approach and share the concept of defining the requirements for a specialist, which is the basis of the Bologna process and the international project of the European Commission “Harmonization of educational structures in Europe”. Each institution of higher education should have a system of internal quality assurance of higher education, which is aimed at reforming the system of higher education in relation to modern requirements. If we compare the education system in our country and abroad, the competency-based approach in higher education has become the most common due to its applied nature and maximum pragmatism. In educational and professional programs, the results of education are indicated in the format of competencies. That is, graduates must possess a number of competencies that are inherent in their professional activity, and form such a modern specialist who can quickly adapt to working conditions that change even within the profession.

Conclusions. The acquisition of knowledge and the acquisition of competences are not competing approaches, but interrelated, because the acquisition of knowledge and its application are also important competences.


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How to Cite

Bezkorovayna, U. Y., Nedilko, R. V., & Tverda І. I. (2024). INTERNATIONAL EXPERIENCE IN THE FORMATION OF A COMPETENCY APPROACH IN NURSING EDUCATION. Nursing, (3-4), 171–179.


