
  • U. Yu. Bezkorovayna Municipal institution of higher education of the Lviv Regional Council “Andrei Krupynskyi Lviv Medical Academy”
  • R. V. Nedilko Municipal institution of higher education of the Lviv Regional Council “Andrei Krupynskyi Lviv Medical Academy”



health care, nursing, laws, competences


Introduction. The transition to three-level medical care and the reform of the medical system in Ukraine, in particular the field of nursing, puts forward new requirements for personnel training. This especially applies to the provision of primary medical care within the framework of family medicine. Modern standards of nursing are undergoing changes that require higher quality of education and development of new skills among medical workers. Nursing, in general, is one of the most humane and honorable professions, but at the same time, it requires a lot of dedication and sacrifice in work.

The aim of the study – study the regulatory framework of the health care industry, analyze. To analyze the professional competences that a nurses should have after completing their studies.

The main part. In many countries, there are laws and regulations that regulate the activities of nurses. These laws usually define their rights and responsibilities, standards of professional practice, qualification requirements, licensing and certification mechanisms, and determine liability for violations. Order No. 504 of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine dated March 19, 2018 “On the approval of the Procedure for the provision of primary medical care” specifies that a medical nurse is part of a team providing medical care, working together with a doctor or under his direction. Primary medical care is provided directly by a doctor, and individual services can be provided by a nurses who is part of the team according to the level of qualification. In other countries, similar issues may be regulated by other laws and regulations, but the overall goal remains to ensure the quality of medical care and patient safety by creating a clear legal framework for medical personnel. Possession of key competencies contributes to the development of the professional mobility of the medical nurse/brother, as they can perform functions not only of medical direction. It should be noted that a medical nurse/brother working in the primary health care sector should have knowledge of many fields of medicine, since family medical practice should be considered as one that provides long-term care for the health of a citizen and all members of his family regardless of the nature of the disease, the state of organs and body systems in all periods of a person’s life. We have provided recommendations on improving the mastery of special (professional) competencies during practical classes on clinical educational components.

Conclusions. Further research of this aspect consists in the development and introduction into the educational process of innovative methods of special (professional) training of future specialists in order to improve their acquisition of special competencies, which will enable graduates to be competitive in the labor market.


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How to Cite

Bezkorovayna, U. Y., & Nedilko, R. V. (2024). ANALYSIS OF LEGISLATIVE ACTS IN NURSING. KEY ASPECTS OF THE COMPETENCIES OF A NURSE. Nursing, (3-4), 147–152.


