transfusiology, transfusion, blood, blood components, safety, transfusiological assistanceAbstract
Introduction. Clinical transfusiology is an important component of medical care for patients who need transfusion of blood and/or blood components. The standards of the clinical transfusion organization guarantee the transfusion of the right blood component to the right patient at the right time, in the right condition and in accordance with the recommendation for their appointment.
The aim of the study – to acquaint with the standards and principles of the organization of transfusiological assistance in a health care institution, related to the practical activities of a nurse of a health care institution in the process of clinical management of the use of red blood cells, which ensures the quality of the transfusion service and safety for the patient.
The main part. The safe use of erythrocyte blood components for therapeutic purposes requires ensuring that the health care institution is properly organized to provide blood or blood component transfusion services to the patient. Structures and medical personnel responsible for the organizational aspects of transfusiological assistance and the clinical transfusion process include the hospital management, the hospital transfusiological committee, the hospital blood bank, the laboratory of transfusion immunology and all medical personnel involved in the transfusion of blood and/or blood components and the hemomonitoring system. A nurse who transfuses blood and/or blood components to a patient, together with the doctor, is responsible for monitoring the identification of the patient and the blood product, the correct preparation of the hemocontainer for transfusion, checking the compatibility of the patient and the dose of red blood cells, using transfusion systems in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations, clinical monitoring of the recipient, timeliness of diagnosis and treatment of transfusion-related reactions and complications, clear documentation of the clinical transfusiological process.
Conclusions. The considered principles of the organization of transfusiological assistance and standards of quality and safety of the clinical transfusion process in a health care institution that provides transfusion services of blood and/or blood components correspond to modern scientific knowledge and current legislation related to blood safety, the requirements of the Directives of the European Commission, implemented to fulfill the obligations of the Association Agreement between Ukraine, on the one hand, and the European Union and their member states, on the other hand. The professional actions of a medical nurse, who is an active participant in the clinical transfusion process, guarantee the safety and effectiveness of the use of blood products in modern hemotherapy, ensuring the quality of the blood transfusion service and/or blood components.
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