
  • U. Yu. Bezkorovayna Municipal institution of higher education of the Lviv Regional Council “Andrei Krupynskyi Lviv Medical Academy”
  • R. V. Nedilko Municipal institution of higher education of the Lviv Regional Council “Andrei Krupynskyi Lviv Medical Academy”



nursing, diabetes, clinical route of the patient, prevention of diabetes


Introduction. Diabetes is one of the fastest growing chronic diseases in the world. In the last period of time, diabetes began to be considered as an urgent social problem. This is due to the growing number of people suffering from this disease.

The aim of the study – to analyze the role of the nurse in drawing up the clinical route of patients with type II diabetes. Provide recommendations regarding the functions and competencies of the medical nurse/brother in developing and following the patient’s clinical route.

The main part. The general situation in Ukraine regarding the incidence of diabetes is critical. Today, there are more than 1.3 million people with diabetes in Ukraine. More than half of patients with this disease do not know about their diagnosis, and 27.4 % of Ukrainians have never measured their blood glucose level. A patient’s clinical route is an algorithm for the patient’s movement through the structural units of a health care facility (or various health care facilities) that are involved in providing care for a specific condition or disease. Currently, there are more and more discussions in the nursing community about the expanded competencies or powers of nurses/brothers of medicine according to the level of education received. Therefore, in our opinion, it is necessary to really implement changes in practical nursing and adapt it to European advanced practices.

Conclusions. It can be stated that the prevention and treatment of diabetes is a continuous process that must be integrated into the medical care system, focused on the patient and include information on teaching “self-control”, mutual help and psychological support of the patient. International practice shows that the boundary between the professions of a doctor and a nurse is shifting in the direction of giving greater powers to the nursing staff.


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How to Cite

Bezkorovayna, U. Y., & Nedilko, R. V. (2024). THE ROLE OF A NURSE IN THE PATHOLOGY OF DIABETES. Nursing, (3-4), 123–128.


