health, health-related quality of life, nursing students, body weight, academic performanceAbstract
Introduction. Assessing the health-related quality of life (HRQOL) among applicants for higher education in specialty 223 “Nursing” allows not only to comprehensively assess the risk factors for loss of health and develop scientifically based measures to preserve and strengthen the health of students, but also expand opportunities for obtaining higher quality education at a higher educational institution.
The aim of the study – to evaluate indicators of health-related quality of life among applicants of the first level of higher education in specialty 223 “Nursing” depending on body mass index.
The main part. The study involved 28 applicants of the first level of higher education in specialty 223 “Nursing”, studying in the second year of the Rivne Medical Academy of the Rivne Regional Council, who were divided into 2 groups: persons with normal body weight (n=18) and individuals with underweight (n=10). To assess HRQOL, the short version of the Health Questionnaire – 36 (SF 36) was used. Statistical processing of the results was carried out using computer software “Microsoft Excel” and “Statistica 7.0”. Comparing the parameters of HRQOL in nursing students with underweight in relation to nursing students with normal body weight, statistically significant differences were identified in almost all parameters, except for the pain scale. The maximum changes were observed in such parameters of HRQOL as role-physical functioning (decrease by 23.63 %), general health status (decrease by 21.63 %) and role-emotional functioning (decrease by 21.85 %).
Conclusions. The negative impact of underweight on the HRQOL among applicants of the first level of higher education in specialty 223 “Nursing” has been established. At the same time, role-physical functioning, general health and role-emotional functioning underwent maximum changes, which must be taken into account when developing and using physiological correction methods to prevent a decrease in the quality of life of students and their academic performance.
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