nursing, nursing process, peculiarities of care for cardiac patientsAbstract
Introduction. The nursing process involves the analysis of the health needs of the patient and his environment by nurses and their effective solution through the implementation of nursing care and the provision of the necessary care with the use of appropriate resources.
The aim of the study – to аnalyze the stages of the nursing process. To reveal the stages of implementation of the nursing process in a cardiology hospital.
The main part. The nursing process allows for consideration of the unique needs of each patient, providing an individualized approach to medical care and care. The systematic application of the nursing process contributes to the improvement of the quality of medical care through the systematic analysis of patient needs and their effective resolution. The nursing process simplifies and systematizes the process of providing medical care, which helps reduce the time required to perform procedures and optimize the use of resources. This approach is aimed at stimulating independence and active participation of patients in their own recovery process, which can positively affect their physical and psychological state. The nursing process promotes better communication and collaboration between different members of the healthcare team, which can increase efficiency and provide a more cohesive approach to care. The nursing process provides an opportunity to systematically monitor and evaluate the results of the provision of medical care, which allows for faster detection of problems and timely adjustment of care strategies.
Conclusions. In general, it can be stated that the introduction and effective implementation of the nursing process in hospitals of the cardiology profile is an integral component for ensuring high-quality and humane care for patients with cardiovascular diseases.
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