health-care-associated infections HAIs, infection control, nursing process, urinary tract infections, sensitivity to antibioticsAbstract
Introduction. Infections acquired in the hospital (health-care-associated infections – HAIs) are a serious safety concern for both healthcare workers and patients. This problem especially applies to surgical departments. A big role in the prevention of HAI is assigned to nurses.
The aim of the work – to investigate the presence and structure of HAIs in the urology department of Kolomyia Central District Hospital, to study the spectrum of pathogens of HAIs and their sensitivity to antibiotics, to develop recommendations for empiric antimicrobial therapy of HAIs, to determine the degree of awareness of nurses of the urology department of Kolomyia Central District Hospital regarding the prevention of HAIs in order to develop further recommendations for their postgraduate studies.
The main part. Among the examined patients of the urology department of Kolomyia Central District Hospital, 31 patients with HAI, aged from 21 to 82 years, were identified. Predominantly, catheter-associated urinary tract infections occurred. Since they belong to urinary tract infections that occur in a person who currently has a urinary tract catheter or has had one inserted within the last 48 hours, it is clear that there is a high risk of HAIs and measures to prevent them are not effective.
Conclusions. In patients of the urological department of Kolomyia District Central Hospital, among the pathogens of ILI, C. albicans (25.8 %), P. aeruginosa (16.1 %), and E. coli (16.1 %) were most often detected. The causative agents of HAI in the urological department of the Kolomyia Central Hospital are most sensitive to antibacterial drugs from the group of carbapenems, cephalosporins of the III–IV generations, especially protected ones, chloramphenicol and fluoroquinolones. Good sensitivity of microorganisms is preserved to antibacterial drugs from the group of modern macrolides and glycopeptides. Penicillins, second-generation cephalosporins, lincosamines, and oxazolidinones have relatively low effectiveness in the treatment of HAI.
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