vaccination, immunization, vaccine hesitancy, anti-vaccination movementAbstract
Introduction. Immunization is one of the most effective health interventions aimed at saving lives and improving health.
The aim of the study – to explore the experience of immunization in Ukraine and the world to highlight the role of vaccine hesitancy among the population and its impact on the implementation of the global vaccination program.
The main part. World Health Organization defines immunization as the process of acquiring immunity or resistance to infectious diseases as a result of the introduction of a vaccine to a person. Recently, the list of diseases that can be prevented by vaccination has been expanded to 25. In Ukraine, over the past 10 years, due to the strengthening of the anti-vaccination movement, the number of vaccinated children has been constantly decreasing: if in 2009, about 80 % of children under one year old were vaccinated against poliomyelitis and diphtheria, and 80 % of one-year-olds – from measles, then in 2016 – 20 % from diphtheria and 45 % from measles. Most European countries support a policy of voluntary vaccination, although there are countries where vaccination is mandatory. Restrictive or incentive measures are often used to improve vaccination coverage. Despite the undisputed scientific understanding of the public health benefits of vaccines, there is no similar consensus when it comes to individual choice. The WHO recognized the anti-vaccination movement as one of the main threats to humanity. Vaccine hesitancy is described as a continuum between full acceptance and outright refusal of immunization and may involve one or more vaccines. Among the factors that determine adherence to vaccination are satisfaction, convenience and confidence in vaccines.
Conclusions. Vaccination is free and voluntary in most countries of the world, but issues related to trust and commitment to immunoprophylaxis of the population in the world are still very relevant. Vaccine hesitancy is a menacing phenomenon that leads to geographic outbreaks in both high- and low-income countries and requires attention at both the micro and macro levels to be successfully addressed. Trust at different levels of the system is essential in combating vaccine hesitancy. Vaccination acceptance and coverage rates must be substantial for a global vaccination program to be successful.
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