technologies of classes, health and physical activity, health-recreational classes, classes in the fresh airAbstract
The article defines the concepts of “technology”, “fitness technology”, “pedagogical technology”, “health-preserving technology”, “health-recreation activity”. The effectiveness of the use of the technology of recreation and physical activity classes in the fresh air is analyzed. We are convinced that in order to improve the health of the participants of the experiment, it is advisable to conduct a significant part of the health and physical activity classes in the fresh air. Conducting health-recreational classes in the fresh air contributed to the fact that the knowledge and skills acquired during these exercises can be successfully used in various spheres of life. We have proven that outdoor activities provide a comprehensive and harmonious development of a woman’s personality based on a complex solution to the tasks of physical, ecological, valeological, aesthetic and moral education. Also, outdoor fitness provides an opportunity for a complex combination of physical exercises and natural forces as the main means of health and recreation activities. In addition, we applied the technology of emotional support of the participants of the experiment through the use of music during fitness classes. The implementation of the health-saving technologies identified by us contributed to the improvement of recreation activities. The indicators of this process were: a significant increase in the emotional state of the participants of the experiment, a more conscientious performance of physical exercises by them, an increase in their motor activity, the development of a sense of beauty and aesthetics, the formation of interdisciplinary integration links.
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