health and rehabilitation swimming, water physiotherapy, water exercises, diseases of the musculoskeletal systemAbstract
Recreational and rehabilitation swimming is an effective method of physiotherapy used to restore physical health and functional activity in patients with various diseases. Water resistance also plays an important role in exercise, helping to improve muscle tone, muscle strength and endurance, and cardiovascular endurance. In this article, we explore the features of health and rehabilitation swimming, in particular its effect on the body, the use of the aquatic environment as a factor of positive influence on rehabilitation processes, and the role of water resistance in exercise. The effect of Archimedean support and water resistance on the musculoskeletal system of patients with musculoskeletal diseases is considered. The advantages of this rehabilitation method for patients after injuries, surgeries, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular and nervous systems are highlighted. The conclusions of the article can be useful for clinics, rehabilitation centers and physiotherapy specialists who use health and rehabilitation swimming in their work with patients.
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