In the noverdays of reforming the Ukrainian educational system, the question arises about new approaches to the organization and content of educational activities. An important role among them is occupied by one of the promising areas of modern pedagogy – museum pedagogy, which solves problems of personality formation, namely: involvement of students in research activities through museum exhibitions using information technology, development of their research skills and creative abilities, independent judgments and assessments, critical thinking skills. Museum pedagogy is important in the education system and contributes to the comprehensive development of the student's personality. The purpose of educational museums is to create the fullest idea of understanding the nature,we are surrounded with, the human morphology, the morphology of animals, plants, as well as being the center of education and upbringing. In I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University there is a number of museums of educational profile: the museum of the Department of Human Anatomy, the Museum of the Department of Pathological Anatomy with a Sectional Course and Forensic Medicine, the Educational and Biological Museum named after I. Yaremenko. The Museum of the Department of Human Anatomy has a unique collection of anatomical preparations that reflect the shape of organs, their topographic relationships, projections of vessels and nerves, which are an integral theoretical basis for students of medical, dental and pharmaceutical faculties, as well as for students of the Institute of Nursing. Achieving a high practical level of training is impossible without transparent organ specimens of the Department of Pathological Anatomy with a Sectional Course and Forensic Medicine. The Educational and Biological Museum named after I. Yaremenko represents natural objects and their images, creating the fullest idea of the relationship of humanbeings with the surrounding natural environment. Thus, the museums of TNMU take an important place in the educational process and their role can not be underestimated.
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