
  • R. A. Safonov Kharkiv National Medical University Kharkiv Regional Perinatal Center
  • V. V. Lazurenko Kharkiv National Medical University Kharkiv Regional Perinatal Center
  • V. I. Cherepova Kharkiv National Medical University Kharkiv Regional Perinatal Center
  • P. O. Hordiyenko Kharkiv National Medical University Kharkiv Regional Perinatal Center



The relevance of genital prolapse is caused up by the high frequency of development (in 20–50 % of cases: uterine prolapse is 14–16 %, cystocele – 30–35 %, rectocele –18–20 %). The combination of GP and obesity is often found, which worsens the course of underlying disease The efficiency of GP’s treatment mostly depends on quali­tative postoperative care, in which a great role is played by a nurse, especially in obese women. The main task of a nurse is to strictly follow doctor’s instructions. In the postoperative period, it is allowed to get out of bed in the normal mode the day after surgery, but with minimization of the load on the perineum. Urinary catheter is inserted for 1 day after an operation, also an appoint electrical stimulation of the bladder is prescribed. The catheterization or ultrasound diagnostics of the bladder determines the amount of residual urine after the first day after operation, which should be less than 100 ml. If it is more than 100 ml, the catheter will be left for 2–3 days with additional appointment of electrical stimulation of the bladder and intravenous administration of 1 ml of 0.05 % proserine solution once a day. The diet is normal. Low molecular weight heparins are prescribed 6–12 hours after operation. From 1 to 14 days after operation, patients are prescribed vaginal suppositories with betadine, and from 15 to 28 days - vaginal suppositories – “Revitax”. Analyzing the results of the operative treatment, following outcomes were obtained: relapses, infections, dyspareunia and pelvic pain in women who had been examined within a year after an operation, were not seen.


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Профілактика рецидиву генітального пролапсу у жінок похилого віку після хірургічного втручання / Р. А. Сафонов, В. В. Лазуренко, О. Л. Черняк та ін. // Репродуктивна ендокринологія. – 2020. – № 4 (54). – С. 95–98.



How to Cite

Safonov, R. A., Lazurenko, V. V., Cherepova, V. I., & Hordiyenko, P. O. (2021). NURSING CARE FOR PATIENTS WITH GENITAL PROLAPSE AND OBESITY. Nursing, (3), 33–36.


