State of dental morbidity rate among passenger car attendants of chernivtsi railroad centre of lviv railroad


  • T. S. Kitsak Bukovynian State Medical University
  • T. B. Mandziuk Bukovynian State Medical University



oral cavity, caries, filling.


The  study aimed at identifying health leaders peculiarities forming carriages under the influence of factors of production for the purpose of scientific justification of low-cost and effective recovery measures are important because prolonged exposure to harmful factors on the health worsens and leads to various diseases, which adversely affects the workers to perform their duties.

The aim of the study – to examine the state of dental hard tissues, to assess the intensity and peculiarities of clinical manifestations of both carious process and non-carious affects of dental hard tissues among the passenger car attendants of Chernivtsi station.

Materials and Methods. To solve the tasks we examined 52 people, including 30 passenger car attendants of Chernivtsi station (treatment group) and 22 employees not exposed to harmful factors (experimental group). All patients were divided into four age groups and examined according to recommendations of World Health Organization on dental examination. Teeth assessment was conducted according to CFE (caries, filled, extracted) index.

Results and Discussion. The degree of caries expansion among the passenger car attendants is 100 % in all age groups, the number affected teeth with caries depending on the length of service and age ranges from 20.0 to 25.97. Only half of teeth affected by caries is treated. Depending on the age from 12 % to 53 % of teeth are extracted.

Conclusions. We recommend to restore the programs of dental diseases prevention that would include dental education of the employees, learning the rules of sensible nutrition, learning the rules of the mouth cavity hygienic care, secondary prevention (planned oral cavity sanation), dispensary observation.

Author Biography

T. S. Kitsak, Bukovynian State Medical University



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How to Cite

Kitsak, T. S., & Mandziuk, T. B. (2017). State of dental morbidity rate among passenger car attendants of chernivtsi railroad centre of lviv railroad. CLINICAL DENTISTRY, (1).



Terapeutic stomatology