Interregional Center for Dispensary and Treatment of Children with Congenital Face and Jaw Defects in Lviv as a Stage of Pediatric Maxillofacial Surgery Development in Ukraine


  • I. M. Hot Danylo Halytskyi Lviv National Medical University
  • R. Z. Ogonovsky Danylo Halytskyi Lviv National Medical University
  • Kh. R. Pohranychna Danylo Halytskyi Lviv National Medical University
  • Ya. M. Ilnytsky Danylo Halytskyi Lviv National Medical University
  • Yu. B. Pasternak Danylo Halytskyi Lviv National Medical University
  • V. S. Hrynovets Danylo Halytskyi Lviv National Medical University



cleft lip, cleft palate, uranoplasty, cheiloplasty.


The onset of active development of pediatric maxillofacial surgery goes deeply into the history of Danylo Halytskyi Lviv National Medical University. Today, the Interregional Center for dispensary and treatment of children with congenital defects of the face covering 6 regions: Lviv, Volyn, Rivne, Ternopil, Ivano-Frankivsk and Zakarpattia.

Materials and Methods. In the historical aspect, the stages of formation, development and improvement of pediatric maxillofacial surgery were presented on the example of the Interregional Center for the examination and treatment of children with congenital defects of the face and jaws in Lviv.

Results and Discussion. Since 1992, Interregional Center for the examination and treatment of children with congenital defects of the face and jaws has been headed by Professor Ivan Hot. Under his guidance, the development and continuous modernization of surgical treatment protocols in the center is fully in line with the contemporary world tendencies of helping children with congenital facial infections. The main tasks of the center are the clear account of patients with this pathology, specialized comprehensive treatment and dispensary observation, timely corrective surgery, multi-stage orthodontic treatment.

Conclusions. The nature of the pathology, the age-old aspect of the patients, the specifics of surgical tactics and the peculiarities of management of post-operative patients, suggests the need for specialized hospitals based on pediatric clinical hospitals or beds in surgical departments of pediatric hospitals to provide full and adequate medical care for children with pathology of the maxillofacial area, reduction and avoidance of complications of different nature.


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Stupnytskyi, R.M., Mahliovanyi, А.V., Hrynovets, V.S., & Kukhta, V.S. (2008). Stomatolohichnomu fakultetovi u Lvovi – 50 rokiv [Lviv Dentistry Faculty celebrates 50 years]. Lviv, 287 [in Ukrainian].

Mahliovanyi, А.V., Zimenkovskyi, B.S., Hrynovets, V.S., Stupnytskyi, R.M., & Hot, І.М. (2008). Stanovlennia ta rozvytok stomatolohichnoho fakultetu u Lvovi: dekan, profesor Yevstahii Volodymyrovych Hotsko [Formation and development of Dental Faculty in Lviv]. Lviv: Danylo Halytskyi Lviv National Medical University, 136 [in Ukrainian].

Hot, I.M. (1995). Sposib khirurhichnoho likuvannia odnobichnoho nezroshchennia verhnioi huby [Method of surgical treatment of unilateral upper lip cleft]. Patent 6883 of March 31, 1995 [in Ukrainian].

Ilnytskyi, Ya.M., Hot, I.M., & Ohonovskyi, R.Z. (2015). Otsinka metodu kistkovoi plastyky pidnebinnia ta alveoliarnoho vidrostka kombinovanym transplantatom pry vrodzshenykh nezroshchenniakh [Evaluation of hard palate and alveolar process bone grafting method with combined transplant at congenital clefts]. Zdobutky klinichnoi i eksperymentalnoi medytsyny – Achievements of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, 2-3, 53-57 [in Ukrainian].



How to Cite

Hot, I. M., Ogonovsky, R. Z., Pohranychna, K. R., Ilnytsky, Y. M., Pasternak, Y. B., & Hrynovets, V. S. (2019). Interregional Center for Dispensary and Treatment of Children with Congenital Face and Jaw Defects in Lviv as a Stage of Pediatric Maxillofacial Surgery Development in Ukraine. CLINICAL DENTISTRY, (4), 43–48.



Surgical stomatology