Stomatological status in patients of the lviv regional clinical hospital with distrophic-inflammatory diseases of periodontal tissues


  • M. M. Shevchuk Danylo Halytskyi Lviv National Medical University



stomatological status, dystrophic-inflammatory diseases, periodontal tissues


The article reflects the peculiarities of the course of inflammatory-dystrophic diseases of periodontal tissues in patients in the Lviv Regional Clinical Hospital. At present, the presence of somatic pathology changes the etiology and pathogenesis of individual dental nosologies. The combination of nosological forms is characterized by a mutual burden of diseases due to the existence of a tight functional link between the affected organs, which further requires the development and improvement of known methods of treatment.

The aim of the study – to learn the changes in the stomatological status of patients in the Lviv Regional Clinical Hospital in the conditions of the hospital.

Materials and Methods. The study of dental status was carried out in 331 patients with dystrophic-inflammatory diseases of periodontal tissues of different branches of Lviv Regional Clinical Hospital. To study the intensity and prevalence of the inflammatory process in gums we used a modified method for determining the papillary-marginal-alveolar index (PMA) proposed by I. Shour, M. Massler in percentages for Ch. Parma The hygienic state of the oral cavity was evaluated using the simplified hygiene index J. C. Greene, J. R. Vermillion (OHI-S). The prevalence and intensity of caries of teeth were determined by the CPI index. The vacuum resistance of capillaries was studied using the method of Kulazhenko.

Results and Discussion. As a result of evaluation of the dental status in patients in Lviv Regional Clinical Hospital, it was found that in persons with degenerative-inflammatory diseases of periodontal tissues: the intensification of the dystrophic-inflammatory processes according to the PMA index was the same; the worst hygienic state of the oral cavity was determined in individuals in the department of cardiovascular surgery, and gastroenterology; the cariopathy intensity according to the СPE was the same in the study groups; the hemodynamic state of periodontal vessels in patients with CC, neurology, and rheumatology, was the same according to the vacuum resistance of capillaries (VRC), and is significantly higher in the gastroenterological department; Integrated treatment required the same number of surveyed different departments.

Conclusions. Thus, high incidence of inflammatory diseases of periodontal tissues, poor level of hygiene among all the examined groups and the average intensity of caries were found in patients in Lviv Regional Clinical Hospital.


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How to Cite

Shevchuk, M. M. (2019). Stomatological status in patients of the lviv regional clinical hospital with distrophic-inflammatory diseases of periodontal tissues. CLINICAL DENTISTRY, (4), 36–42.



Terapeutic stomatology