Modern approaches to surgical treatment of patients with generalized parodontitis using dental implants


  • H. B. Prots Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University
  • V. P. Piuryk Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University



generalized periodontitis, dental implants, structural-functional state of bone tissue.


The main postulate of periodontal treatment is the elimination of factors injuring periodontal disease, creating conditions for the normalization of its properties. Structures with additional supports on the intraosseous implants are optimal for orthopaedic treatment. The possibilities and conditions for surgical intervention on periodontal tissues and implantation in patients with varying severity of chronic GP were generally poorly understood.

The aim of the study – to improve the treatment of patients with partial edentia and chronic generalized periodontitis by including dental implantation to the complex of therapeutic measures.

Materials and Methods. There are presented the results of 360 patients with varying severity degrees of generalized periodontitis who underwent surgery on periodontal tissues with dental implantation.

Results and Discussion. Our research showed that implantation in patients with mild generalized periodontitis can achieve consistently good results regardless the method of treatment. Simultaneous surgery on periodontal tissues and the dental implantation shortens treatment duration in 1.5–2 times without compromising its quality. It is shown that in patients with moderate and severe degrees of generalized periodontitis it is appropriate to perform periodontal surgery separately followed by dental implantation to prevent postoperative complications and implant loss. When planning for dental implants and periodontal surgical intervention it is necessary to determine the quality of bone remodeling to assess the structural and functional state of bone tissue and differentiated destination osteotropic drugs that promote positive postoperative period.

Conclusions. Therefore, in order to increase the effectiveness of dental implantation and surgical periodontal intervention, bone remodelling markers should be determined to assess the structural and functional status of bone tissue and for the differentiated use of osteotropic drugs, which will contribute to the positive development of the postoperative period. Simultaneous surgical intervention on periodontal tissues and dental implantation in 1.5–2 times reduces the duration of treatment without reducing its quality. In patients with moderate to severe degrees, it is expedient to carry out surgical interventions with subsequent dental implantation in order to prevent postoperative complications and loss of implants.

Author Biography

V. P. Piuryk, Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University

Кафедра хірургічної стоматології (зав.каф.-проф.Пюрик В.П.)


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How to Cite

Prots, H. B., & Piuryk, V. P. (2017). Modern approaches to surgical treatment of patients with generalized parodontitis using dental implants. CLINICAL DENTISTRY, (4).



Terapeutic stomatology