Using the method of directed tissue regeneration in patients with severe forms of generalized periodontitis


  • N. Ya. Sliusarenko Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University



generalized periodontitis, tissue regeneration direction, alveolar process, the activity of serum tissue enzymes.


Generalized periodontitis occurs in 40–98 % of the population of our country and is associated with age, region of residence, occupational activity, somatic diseases, and hygienic culture. In the treatment of patients with generalized periodontitis, it may be effective to develop new technological techniques to reduce infl ammatory complications.

The aim of the study – to increase the effectiveness of surgical treatment of patients with generalized periodontitis by developing a method for operative access to the pathological center and using the method of directed tissue regeneration.

Materials and Methods. We examined and treated 86 patients with severe forms of generalized periodontitis. After randomisation and preoperative examination, all the patients under study were divided into two groups. In group 1 (25 patients), the traditional method of surgery of Tseshynskyi-Vidman-Neiman was used. The group 2 – 29 patients with severe GP. Surgical treatment in this group was carried out in accordance with the principles of directed tissue regeneration using the developed method of operative access, remote from the gingival area.

Results and Discussion. Surgical treatment was carried out in compliance with the principles of directed tissue regeneration using the developed method of operative access, remote from the gingival area. The incision was carried out in parallel and lower than the dentinous margin of 12–14 mm. The length of the autopsy exceeded the scale of the intervention zone by 6–10 mm from each side for free movement of the detached fl ap and the delineation in the subsequent line of the section with the regeneration zone. The analysis and description of the radiological material was performed taking into account the characteristics of the bone tissue (the severity of the cortical layer at the apex of the sprouts, the mesh size and radiographic density of the cellular bone, signs of resorption, the presence of demarcation between the bone tissue and the materials introduced, radiological characteristics of the implantation material according to the proposed by Professor Yu. I. Vorobiov.

Conclusions. On the basis of treatment of 56 patients with generalized periodontitis of severe forms, the traditional method of Tseshynskyi-Vidman-Neiman has been tested in 25 patients and 29 patients in whom treatment was carried out in accordance with the principles of directed tissue regeneration with the use of the developed method of operative access, on the basis of our research we established advantage of the developed method.

Author Biography

N. Ya. Sliusarenko, Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University



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How to Cite

Sliusarenko, N. Y. (2017). Using the method of directed tissue regeneration in patients with severe forms of generalized periodontitis. CLINICAL DENTISTRY, (4).



Surgical stomatology