Optimization of bone regeneration in patients after cystectomy


  • Ya. V. Piuryk Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University




marrow, osteoplastic material, Stimul-Oss, bone cavities, cyst.


In recent decades, we observed the displacement of bone grafts with new, diverse implantation materials, in particular on the basis of synthetic calcium phosphates. However, pure hydroxyapatites and tricalcium phosphates do not have osteoinduction properties. These circumstances led to the search for composite synthetic and composite materials based on biphasic ceramics using different biomaterials, binding components, bioactive substances, pharmacological preparations.

The aim of the study – to improve the effi ciency of treatment of patients with odontogenic cysts, combining autologous bone marrow and artifi cial bone replacements, creating a mixture that, when it replaces bone defects, will optimize reparative processes.

Materials and Methods. 82 patients aged 18–55 years who had been operated on the basis of radicular jaw cysts were examined. The patients were on inpatient treatment at the Department of Maxillofacial Surgery of Ivano-Frankivsk Regional Clinical Hospital. The results evaluation of the clinical study was performed according to the data of general-clinical, biochemical (free oxyproline, protein-bound oxyproline, aspartate-alanine aminotransferase), X-ray, echo-osteometric examination of patients. Clinical, radiological and echo-osteometric studies were performed prior to surgery and in 1,3,6, 9 and 12 months after surgical treatment.

Results and Discussion. In all 3 groups of patients, the postoperative period ran with minor complications. The smallest percentage of infl ammatory complications in patients with the group III, in our opinion, can be explained by the anti-infl ammatory effect of the composite material created. The results of the ЕО of patients of the group III indicate that when performing postoperative bone jaws of the autologous bone marrow from Stimul-Oss there are active osteo-reparative processes with re-building and mineralization of the bone regenerate, since the velocity of passing ultrasound on the bone is the higher, the less its porosity and a higher concentration of calcium, phosphate and other mineral components.

Conclusions. 1. The combination of artifi cial Stimul-Oss hydroxyapatite with an autologous bone marrow allows for a positive clinical outcome by strengthening the osteoconductive and osteoinductive properties of the newly developed combined graft. 2. The use of the newly created material does not affect the fermentation activity of the aminotransferase of the serum, indicating no negative effect on the patient’s body.

Author Biography

Ya. V. Piuryk, Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University



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How to Cite

Piuryk, Y. V. (2017). Optimization of bone regeneration in patients after cystectomy. CLINICAL DENTISTRY, (4). https://doi.org/10.11603/2311-9624.2017.4.8158



Surgical stomatology