Index assessment of the state of periodontal tissues in individuals with primary hypothyroidism
primary hypothyroidism, periodontal disease, hygiene index, PMA, KPI, Fux index, Sample of Schiller-Pisarev.Abstract
In recent decades, both in the world and in our country, thyroid gland diseases are not only widespread, but also have a tendency to constant growth. Currently, more attention is paid to diseases of the thyroid gland that are associated with endemic foci of iodine defi ciency in soil and water.
The aim of the study – to investigate the state of periodontal tissues in individuals with primary hypothyroidism.
Materials and Methods. We conducted a survey of 86 people with primary hypothyroidism, 16 of them with manifestation and 70 with subclinical forms. A comparison group was 45 people without thyroid gland diseases. Index assessment of periodontal tissues included the defi nition of a simplifi ed oral hygiene index of the oral cavity of the Green-Vermillion (Oral Hygiene Index-Simlifi ed, Green-Vermillion, 1964), the degree of gingival infl ammation was determined by Parma (C. Parma, 1960, Papillary-Marginal Alveolar Index)), the state of periodontal tissues in the complex periodontal index (KPI) (1987), destructive changes in the bone tissue of the alveolar appendix were determined by the Fux index.
Results and Discussion. The article presents the results of the index estimation of periodontal tissues in individuals with primary hypothyroidism. An analysis of the conducted index evaluation found that they had a poor level of hygienic state of the oral cavity. This was manifested by the development of infl ammatory and, to a lesser extent, infl ammatory and dystrophic lesions of periodontal tissues, as evidenced by papillarymarginalalveolar (PMA) and complex periodontal indices (KPI).
Conclusions. Even more signifi cant changes in these indicators were found in individuals with a manifestation of hypothyroidism. So, we can conclude that in persons with primary hypothyroidism metabolic processes of
the organism are violated, which leads through a number of pathophysiological changes to the activity of parodontopathogenic microfl ora and the development of infl ammatory and infl ammatory and dystrophic periodontal diseases.
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