Smoking: prevalence and impact on organs and tissues of the oral cavity (literature review)


  • V. V. Shcherba
  • O. Ya. Lavrin



smoking, oral cavity.


Smoking is a global problem of humanity, and its impact on the organs and tissues of the oral cavity is a major health and social problem. Smoking is associated with significantly increased risk of the oral cavity diseases, especially with paradont pathology and cancer. Persons who have extensive experience of smoking, use tobacco products for oral use, except of smoking alcohol abuse belong to risk group of the oral cavity cancer. The severity of periodontal disease depends on the age of onset of smoking, duration of smoking and number of cigaretteswhich are smoked daily. In the literature many papers are devoted to research the impact of smoking on periodontal status. However, a number of aspects, including free radical oxidation state is left without proper attention, which is the aim of our further investigation.


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How to Cite

Shcherba, V. V., & Lavrin, O. Y. (2016). Smoking: prevalence and impact on organs and tissues of the oral cavity (literature review). CLINICAL DENTISTRY, (2).



Terapeutic stomatology