Prevalence of periodontal diseases in workers of agroindustrial complex in the conditions of open and closed soil under the influence of pesticides


  • V. T. Dyryk



The article presents the data of dental examination of 396 workers of agroindustrial  enterprises in the conditions of open and closed soil under the influence of pesticides and
90 administratively – auxiliary staff  that are not in contact with pesticides. It was proved that with increase of experience of the work on the effects of toxic chemicals, increasing the prevalence of periodontal diseasis inncreased, and in patients working in the hothouses, the frequency of defeats of periodontal tissues was higher relative to workers in the conditions of open soil and persons in the course of employment not in contact with pesticides.

Key words: periodontal disease, pesticides, xenobiotics, hothouse economy.


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How to Cite

Dyryk, V. T. (2016). Prevalence of periodontal diseases in workers of agroindustrial complex in the conditions of open and closed soil under the influence of pesticides. CLINICAL DENTISTRY, (3_4).



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