Morphofunctional argumentation of effectiveness of sorption correction of structural changes in major salivary glands in rats when midelling the chronic poisoning by alcohol


  • V. V. Maglyona



The study was conducted on white rats that simulated chronic alcohol intoxication with its correction by enterosorbent «Polisorb» Simulation of chronic alcohol poisoning led to the significant violations of organ hemodynamics in large salivary glands of rats, accompanied by appropriate restructuring of acini cells and structural elements of channels of different levels. The restructuring in the early stages manifested by the progressive hyperplasia of the acini with the enlargement of striated ducts with the simultaneous narrowing of the intercalated ducts due to the pressure by the swelled acini cells. The further observations with increasing of duration of chronic alcohol poisoning revealed that the secretory units of salivary glands, on the contrary, gradually exposed the atrophic changes. Atrophic changes were also observed in the epithelial cells of the ducts of the salivary glands. The application of enterosorbent «Polisorb»  had a positive impact on the restructuring of tissues of salivary glands of rats. The reduction of endogenous intoxication condition improved the blood supply to major salivary glands, which in its turn contributed to the slowdown of atrophic changes in the cells of acini and duct epithelial cells.

Key words: alcohol, salivary gland, atrophy, enterosorbent.


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How to Cite

Maglyona, V. V. (2016). Morphofunctional argumentation of effectiveness of sorption correction of structural changes in major salivary glands in rats when midelling the chronic poisoning by alcohol. CLINICAL DENTISTRY, (3_4).



Experimental researches