Defining features of gingivitis course in children as a basis for planning the treatment and prevention


  • A. O. Avdieiev



Comparative evaluation of conventional treatment of gingivitis therapy using antibacterial and antioxidant drugs was conducted. A survey of children included determining the level of dental health: periodontal status, hygiene and definition nosology disease. Sick children 7–12 years were taken under medical supervision and divided into groups: basic (68 children) and  (70 children). In the study group during the month there  was used the nosotropic orientation "Biotryt-denta" elixir "Biodent" 0.01 % miramistin solution to rinse the mouth (during the first week of treatment). In the comparison group treatment was carried out by the traditional methods. After 12 months of treatment in children of the main group stated stabilization of inflammation in periodontal 60 children, accounting for 88.2 %. In 8 children in the control survey observed exacerbation of gingivitis associated with poor oral hygiene. Children comparison group stabilization process recorded in 46 patients (65.7 %) in catarrhal gingivitis in 10 (14.3 %) treated changes are stated in 14 (20 %) patients experienced progression of inflammation. It is established that the proposed therapy more contributed to the reduction of inflammation in the gums, provide long-term effect of periodontitis happened, which confirmed the direction nosotropic treatment aimed at reducing manifestations of hyperergy of organism.


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How to Cite

Avdieiev, A. O. (2016). Defining features of gingivitis course in children as a basis for planning the treatment and prevention. CLINICAL DENTISTRY, (2).



Children’s stomatology