Methods of teaching of Module 2 "Surface and deep abscesses and phlegmons of the maxillofacial area" of 3rd year student of dental faculty of Bukovyna State Medical University


  • S. I. Tryfanenko



The working educational program of the subject “Surgical dentistry” for the 3rd year students of the department of stomatology of Bukovyna State Medical University (BSMU) includes the chapter “The inflammatory process of the jaw-facial area”. During their practical classes students study the odontogenic and nonodontogenic abscesses and phlegmons, which are frequent in the structure of the stomatological diseases. Taking into account the fact that the jaw-facial area has in its structure a prominent number of the cell range where the inflammatory processes locate, and students face some difficulties in studying them. As a rule, students often make mistakes while writing tests, often make mistakes while describing the clinic anatomy of one or another anatomical area. That is why there appears a necessity of creative methods of the educational material explanation for a better understanding and learning by the students.


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Otrymano 03.02.15



How to Cite

Tryfanenko, S. I. (2016). Methods of teaching of Module 2 "Surface and deep abscesses and phlegmons of the maxillofacial area" of 3rd year student of dental faculty of Bukovyna State Medical University. CLINICAL DENTISTRY, (2).



Surgical stomatology