Analysis of success results of immediat-implantation with the use of zircon prior fortis dental implant system


  • A. M. Potapchuk
  • V. M. Kryvanych
  • V. V. Rusin
  • M. Yu. Honcharuk-Khomyn



Scientific paper is devoted to the analysis of immediat-implantation with the use of «Zircon Prior» system through an integrated approach to dynamic assessment criteria for treatment success (soft tissue recession, changes in the medial and distal papillae, radiological bone loss in peri-implant zone, dynamics of implants stability quality (ISCQ)) during insertion and after 3, 6 and 12 months. Success of immediat-implantation in patients with periodontal pathology is defined based on comparison of researched and control groups data, and formulated recommendations algorithm for immediat-implantation protocol of multiroot teeth providing strong support for the distal orthopedic structures and reducing the subsequent of rational prosthetic treatment.


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How to Cite

Potapchuk, A. M., Kryvanych, V. M., Rusin, V. V., & Honcharuk-Khomyn, M. Y. (2016). Analysis of success results of immediat-implantation with the use of zircon prior fortis dental implant system. CLINICAL DENTISTRY, (2).



Surgical stomatology