State of adaptive reactions in patients with dental diseases in combination with the disorders of gastrointestinal tract


  • V. M. Yastremskyi



Taking into account that one of the causes of the development and chronization of diseases is a violation of adaptive-compensatory reactions in the organism, the aim of this work was to investigate the indices of adaptive reserves in patients with dental diseases, depending on the pathology of gastrointestinal tract. This work is based on the results of observation of 87 patients with odontogenic inflammatory processes and chronic gastroduodenitis or peptic ulcer in anamnesis. To determine the type of adaptive reaction there was investigated the number of leukocytes in peripheral blood and calculated the Differential White Blood Cell Count. The tipping of adaptive reactions (AR) was performed by a classical method of Harkava L. Kh. The obtained data indicate the inferiority of adaptive-compensatory reactions in patients with dental diseases combined with gastric ulcer under the background of moderate and marked anxiety. The course of dental diseases with concomitant chronic gastroduodenitis is characterized by less combativeness than under the background of gastric ulcer and usually is accompanied by nonspecific physiological adaptation reactions. 


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How to Cite

Yastremskyi, V. M. (2016). State of adaptive reactions in patients with dental diseases in combination with the disorders of gastrointestinal tract. CLINICAL DENTISTRY, (2).



Terapeutic stomatology