Results of complex treatment of generalized parodontitis using the drug on the basis of hinkgo biloba and ossein-hydroxyapatative complex


  • A. S. Melnychuk
  • R. S. Kashivska
  • G. M. Melnychuk



There were studied the changes of some clinical and biochemical induces in the mouth liguid of  27 healthy and 65 ill patients with generalized parodontitis (GP) of the chronic course of I–II stages. There was proposed the new method of complex GP therapy, which provides with the influence on both the improving of trophic and microcirculation of parodontium tissues and peroxidation slowdown and on the regeneration of bone tissue and also reduces the inflammatory process and the action of microbial factors in parodontium tissues. It is achieved by including in the scheme of GP treatment the drugs “Hinkgo-biloba – Astrapharm” and “Osteogenon” and also “Givalex” and gel “Metrogil-denta”, thanks to action of which the clinical indices hardly reduced, the level of oxide protein modifications and activity of acid phosphatase decreased and the activity of alkaline phosphatase increased.


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How to Cite

Melnychuk, A. S., Kashivska, R. S., & Melnychuk, G. M. (2016). Results of complex treatment of generalized parodontitis using the drug on the basis of hinkgo biloba and ossein-hydroxyapatative complex. CLINICAL DENTISTRY, (2).



Terapeutic stomatology