Changes of indices of microcirculation of teth pulp when carrying out the accompanied local anes thetizing stomatological treatment


  • V. M. Kulyhina
  • O. V. Muntian



There was conducted the comparative evaluation of capillary blood flow using LDF in 109 patients with acute deep caries and 18 with acute traumatic pulpitis and pulp hyperemia aged from 20 to 49 years who had undergone dental treatment with local anesthesia by infiltrative, nerve – blocked  and intraosseous method.

          Features of pulp reaction on anesthetic introduction at accompanied local anesthetizing treatment of caries and pulpitis are initially decrease, then the activation of blood flow and its regulation for the viability of the pulp.

The most effective method of intraosseous anesthesia is introduction of anesthetic using an electronic apparatus QuickSleeper, evidenced about recovery of primary level of microcirculation on the 30thminut of accompanied local anesthetizing treatment and improving of its regulation’s mechanisms and vasomotor activity of vessels.


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How to Cite

Kulyhina, V. M., & Muntian, O. V. (2016). Changes of indices of microcirculation of teth pulp when carrying out the accompanied local anes thetizing stomatological treatment. CLINICAL DENTISTRY, (2).



Terapeutic stomatology