Assessment of autonomic nervous system in patients with odontogenic inflammatory processes on the background of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract with moderate anxiety


  • M. A. Luchynskyy
  • V. M. Yastremskyy



This article provides an assessment of the autonomic nervous system in patients with moderate anxiety and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract during surgical dental admission. The dominance of normotone was established in dental patients, as well as the tendency to the impact of parasympathetic tone – in combination with chronic gastro-duodenitis and true parasympathetic tone – with gastric ulcer disease. The substantial impact of parasympathetic effects was observed in the older age group.


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How to Cite

Luchynskyy, M. A., & Yastremskyy, V. M. (2016). Assessment of autonomic nervous system in patients with odontogenic inflammatory processes on the background of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract with moderate anxiety. CLINICAL DENTISTRY, (1).



Terapeutic stomatology