Clinically-oriented technologies of ensuring the quality of treatment of patients by plastic crowns


  • I. V. Yanishen



The plastic crowns are the most inexpensive of all currently known materials for fixed prosthetics. Plastics have many disadvantages, but the affordable price of this material is not so bad as it may seem at first glance. Actually bits of plastic have certain advantages. For example, the speed and comparative ease of fabrication, uncharacteristic for metal-ceramic, zirconium crowns, gold and other expensive bits. The investigation was conducted to study the effectiveness of the improved treatment of patients by plastic crowns with the selection of compliance-complexes "material-design". We have formed 2 groups of patients with plastic crowns and two subgroups (depending on applied innovation in clinical laboratory stage). For each subgroup a separate clinical groups of patients we used alternative compliance-complexes of dental materials. As a result of treatment by plastic crowns with the use of dental materials with  the maximum value of compliance-complexes the impact of the denture on the condition of the oral cavity is achieved by reducing the level of dysbiosis, a decrease in the activity of urease and a decrease in the viscosity of the oral fluid.


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How to Cite

Yanishen, I. V. (2016). Clinically-oriented technologies of ensuring the quality of treatment of patients by plastic crowns. CLINICAL DENTISTRY, (1).



Ortopedic stomatology