The impact of cryopreserved placental tissue on osteogenesis in the experiment in the conditions of the mandible fracture


  • O. O. Lykhytskyi



The process of osteogenesis was morphologically studied in the treatment of bone fracture of the lower jaw against the background of osteoporosis in experimental animals. It was found that compared with the control group (fracture), an integrated treatment in a subcutaneous administration of cryopreserved placenta and calcium citrate determined a lower degree of necrosis and sequestration at the site of injury, which created conditions for irrigation fragments to the 30th day to small grid of newly bone beams. Thus there was observed the prevalence osteogenic activity of components due to the grid small bone beams. The drug of cryoplacenta together with the introduction of calcium citrate had a stimulating effect on the formation provisionally regenerate tissues in the early stages – from 14 to 21 days.


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How to Cite

Lykhytskyi, O. O. (2016). The impact of cryopreserved placental tissue on osteogenesis in the experiment in the conditions of the mandible fracture. CLINICAL DENTISTRY, (1).



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