Seasonal and gender features of maxillofacial area phlegmon among Ternopil region residents by materials of surgical dentistry department of Ternopil University Hospital during 2012–2014 years


  • Ya. P. Nahirnyy



The article presents seasonal patterns, especially the origin and course of maxillofacial area phlegmons in 418 residents – 280 men and 138 women of Ternopil region.

It was established that the incidence peak occurs in autumn and winter. Most patients were sent for hospital treatment for 1–3 days after onset in medium condition. In most cases, the cause of phlegmons were the odontogenic source of infection, including are often lower molars, so dominated phlegmon submandibular area. 


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How to Cite

Nahirnyy, Y. P. (2016). Seasonal and gender features of maxillofacial area phlegmon among Ternopil region residents by materials of surgical dentistry department of Ternopil University Hospital during 2012–2014 years. CLINICAL DENTISTRY, (1).



Surgical stomatology