Features of the structural organization pulp around dentin of the molars, depending on sex


  • A. B. Vorobets
  • P. A. Hasiuk
  • O. P. Kostyrenko




The article presents histochemical, microscopic and morphometric data  of research section of molars. Research were conducted separately to male and female teeth in order to establish differences in the structural organization of the dentin of the molars, depending on sex. Microscopic examination decalcined molars revealed that the structure of odontoblasts and monopedic processes somewhat different in men than women. Morphometric study conducted by the density of the dentinal tubules in the area of the vision found that in men, the figure more than women due to thickening of the peritubular dentin.


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How to Cite

Vorobets, A. B., Hasiuk, P. A., & Kostyrenko, O. P. (2016). Features of the structural organization pulp around dentin of the molars, depending on sex. CLINICAL DENTISTRY, (1). https://doi.org/10.11603/2311-9624.2016.1.6144



Experimental researches