Biophysical characteristics of oral fluid of 15-year-old children taking into account psycho-emotional state
children, caries, anxiety, salivary flow rate, salivary viscosityAbstract
Summary. The study of the properties of saliva in various pathological conditions is relevant in view of the non-invasiveness of the method and the possibility of obtaining diagnostic information for the purpose of developing a complex of therapeutic and preventive measures and evaluating their effectiveness. Studying the biophysical characteristics of saliva depending on the level of anxiety deserves special attention.
The aim of the study – to determine the types and levels of anxiety of 15-year-old children; study of biophysical parameters of saliva; tracking the dependence between the biophysical characteristics of saliva and the level of anxiety of the examined schoolchildren.
Materials and Methods. 180 15-year-old children in educational institutions of the Ivano-Frankivsk region were examined. The assessment of the psycho-emotional state of children was carried out on the basis of the results of voluntary testing according to the method of Spielberger. In children, such indicators as the salivary flow rate and the salivary viscosity were analyzed, taking into account the psycho-emotional state of the subjects.
Results and Discussion. The results of the study showed certain changes in the biophysical characteristics of saliva depending on the psycho-emotional state of children. In individuals with high levels of anxiety, the salivary flow rate decreased, the salivary viscosity increased, and the results were significantly different from those in the groups with lower levels of anxiety. This indicates that children with a high level of anxiety have less favorable conditions for the formation of caries-resistant enamel.
Conclusion. The negative trends of changes in the biophysical parameters of the saliva of 15-year-old schoolchildren with a high level of anxiety indicated the need for differential preventive measures for children with different psycho-emotional conditions.
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