Effectiveness of preventive measures in case of rat liver disorders induced by peroxide oil consumption


  • V. B. Pyndus Lviv Medical University
  • O. A. Makarenko Institute of Stomatology and Maxillo-facial Surgary National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, Odesa
  • T. O. Pyndus Lviv Medical University
  • M. V. Anisimov Institute of Stomatology and Maxillo-facial Surgary National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, Odesa
  • I. Y. Tarasenko Odesa National Medical University




peroxidized periodontitis, blood serum, biochemical markers, rats, experiment


Summary. Periodontitis remains one of the most common oral health problems on a global scale, requiring the development of effective approaches to treatment and prevention. The use of a rat model of peroxidative periodontitis allows us to reproduce conditions similar to the clinical manifestations of the disease in humans, which is important for the development and testing of new therapeutic approaches. Thus, a deep understanding of the biochemical changes that occur in the periodontium during the development and progression of periodontitis is important for the development of effective methods of treatment and prevention of this disease.

The aim of the study – to determine the effectiveness of prevention of liver disorders in rats caused by dietary intake of lipid peroxides.

Materials and Methods. A model of peroxidative periodontitis was used in the experiment. Thirty-two two-month-old rats were used, divided into groups of 8 rats each. A statistically significant difference between alternative quantitative features with a distribution corresponding to the normal law was evaluated using Student's t-test. The difference was considered statistically significant at p<0.01.

Results and Discussion. The analysis of the antitoxic function of the liver in the blood serum of rats showed the presence of processes of disruption and function of hepatocytes with modeled peroxidative periodontitis. The data obtained in the inflammation in the blood serum of rats indicate the presence of inflammatory processes in the body of animals induced by prolonged use of peroxidized oil. The additional use of the therapeutic and prophylactic complex revealed pronounced hepatoprotective properties and general normalization and approximation of markers to the level of the intact group.

Conclusions. According to the indicators of antitoxic liver function in the blood serum of rats with modeled peroxide periodontitis, the existing processes of impaired integrity and function of hepatocytes were revealed. A comparative study of the effectiveness of the preventive effect of the two schemes, in terms of inflammation and antitoxic liver function in the blood serum of the studied rats, revealed a more pronounced effectiveness in the group using the therapeutic and prophylactic complex.


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How to Cite

Pyndus, V. B., Makarenko, O. A., Pyndus, T. O., Anisimov, M. V., & Tarasenko, I. Y. (2024). Effectiveness of preventive measures in case of rat liver disorders induced by peroxide oil consumption. CLINICAL DENTISTRY, (1), 56–62. https://doi.org/10.11603/2311-9624.2024.1.14682



Experimental researches