Structure of periodontal tissue disease in patients with a high value of the body mass index


  • T. D. Bublii Poltava State Medical University
  • O. M. Boychenko Poltava State Medical University
  • I. O. Ivanytskyi Poltava State Medical University
  • V. O. Mykytenko Poltava State Medical University



рeriodontitis, body mass index, research methods


Summary. In recent years, according to the WHO, about 1.9 billion people over the age of 20 are overweight, of which more than 650 million people suffer from obesity, while there is a tendency for these indicators to increase annually. Adipose tissue is able to produce a large number of metabolically active substances that can contribute to the synthesis of inflammatory mediators. Currently, the results of epidemiological studies show a tendency to increase periodontal tissue diseases among the population.

The aim of this study – to clarify the relationship between clinical manifestations of periodontitis and the data of biochemical studies in patients with a high body mass index.

Materials and Methods. The study involved 80 people aged 20 to 35, of which 58 were overweight, equally men and women, who did not associate BMI with other diseases, only with excessive consumption of carbohydrate food. Groups were recruited equal in age, gender and dental status. To clarify the diagnosis, the weight, height, body weight and waist circumference of all patients were measured, calculated according to the BMI formula, and blood pressure was determined. Laboratory studies were used, the HOMA-IR index was calculated. To verify the pathological process in the periodontal tissues, the classification of M. F. Danylevsky (1994) was used.

Results and Discussion. The condition of periodontal tissues was described using a traditional index assessment. Epithelial attachment loss (LAP) was measured with a graduated probe and expressed in millimeters. X-rays were taken to visualize the bone tissue.The study of hygienic indices revealed the dependence of the second group of patients with initial and first-degree HP on the increased body mass index, a trend towards increasing values was noted in comparison with the first control group of patients.

Conclusion. Based on the data we received and the analysis of literature data, we can conclude that there is a close relationship between the severity of periodontal pathology and the presence of excess body weight in patients, which can probably be associated with local factors and changes in the body of a person who suffers from increased BMI.


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How to Cite

Bublii, T. D., Boychenko, O. M., Ivanytskyi, I. O., & Mykytenko, V. O. (2024). Structure of periodontal tissue disease in patients with a high value of the body mass index. CLINICAL DENTISTRY, (1), 17–22.



Terapeutic stomatology