Prevention of mildly symptomatic precancerous diseases of the oral cavity, taking into account the possibility of eliminating its causative factors


  • N. V. Vatamanyuk Bukovynа State Medical University, Chernivtsi



disease, leukoplakia, malignization, precancerous changes


Summary. According to published statistical data, about 3.000 primary cases of tumor diseases of the oral cavity are registered annually in Ukraine. The possibility of inflammatory diseases of the teeth and changes in the mucous membrane of the oral cavity in the form of leuko- and erythroplakia, hyperkeratoses and papillomas is associated with the influence of microflora. Contributing factors include long-term denture compression, tooth breakage, smoking, alcohol consumption, and long-term exposure to workplace hazards.

The aim of the study – to substantiate the possibility of oral cancer prevention, taking into account its causative factors and the effectiveness of treatment and diagnostic tactics with an evaluation of the results.

Materials and Methods. The study was conducted with the aim of determining treatment and diagnostic tactics using visual assessment. 34 patients with precancerous conditions of the oral cavity took part in it. According to the anamnesis, local changes were asymptomatic, painless and were detected during dental treatment. The results showed the presence of various changes such as papillomatous masses, hyperkeratoses, leukoplakias and warty leukoplakias. Histological examination confirmed the atypia of the basal cell epithelium, indicating the initial stage of malignancy.

Results and Discussion. The article draws attention to the importance of preventive measures for oral cancer, especially given its high mortality rate due to late diagnosis. The results of the study confirm that precancerous changes in the mucous membrane of the oral cavity are a multi-stage process. This is important to consider when developing strategies for prevention and early diagnosis. It is noted that precancerous changes can have a different appearance, but due to the absence of painful sensations, they become the main reason for patients to seek medical help.

Conclusions. Conclusions were made about the reality of oral cavity cancer prevention, taking into account the possibility of eliminating its causative factors and the need for regular examination to detect precancerous changes.


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How to Cite

Vatamanyuk, N. V. (2024). Prevention of mildly symptomatic precancerous diseases of the oral cavity, taking into account the possibility of eliminating its causative factors . CLINICAL DENTISTRY, (4), 47–50.



Terapeutic stomatology