The experience of conducting lectures on therapeutic dentistry for students of the Faculty of Dentistry in the conditions of martial law in Ukraine
martial law, lectures, educational process, teaching, material, informativeAbstract
Summary. Education is the process of society transferring accumulated knowledge, skills and values from generation to generation. It affects a person's way of thinking, character and physical abilities. Education is of great importance for personal development and social success.
The aim of the study – to share experience and recommendations regarding the organization and conduct of lectures on therapeutic dentistry for students under martial law in Ukraine. The article aims to examine the challenges faced by teachers and students in the context of military conflict and to discuss approaches that allow for effective education and learning.
Materials and Methods. Analysis of scientific literature and publications related to the teaching of dentistry under martial law. Questionnaires and observations: conducting questionnaires and surveys among students and teachers to collect feedback about their experience of learning and teaching under martial law. Analysis of distance learning platforms such as Vidyard, Zoom, which can be used for online lectures and training. Comparative analysis of conducting lectures under martial law with conventional methods.
Results and Discussion. In Ukraine, the introduction of martial law became a challenge for the field of education. One of the main tasks of higher education in the conditions of martial law is to maintain the quality of education and the interest of students. This requires the introduction of new approaches to teaching. The Covid-19 pandemic has accelerated the use of information and communication technologies in education, but martial law conditions have made it difficult to access the Internet. Despite this, it is important to ensure the possibility of mastering the educational material in asynchronous mode. Other important tasks include maintaining students' attention and ensuring their interest, as psychological stress can reduce their concentration. Acquiring professional skills and competencies in practice are important for future professionals.
Conclusions. The article aimed to consider practical methods and strategies to help ensure student access to education in a military conflict environment where limited access to resources and opportunities can be a serious challenge. The authors of the article provided recommendations on the use of online technologies, recording of video lectures and other innovative methods aimed at ensuring the quality of education and development of students in these conditions.
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