Comparative assessment of the clinical effectiveness of therapeutic and preventive agents in early childhood caries
early childhood caries, enamel demineralization, children, remineralizing therapyAbstract
Summary. Early childhood caries is currently the subject of close attention of researchers due to its significant prevalence and risk of negative consequences for children's health. The use of directed therapeutic and preventive action will contribute to reducing the prevalence and intensity of dental caries in children.
The aim of the study – to conduct a comparative assessment of the clinical effectiveness of remineralizing therapy with the use of various therapeutic and preventive agents in the treatment of dental caries in young children.
Materials and Methods. We examined 222 children aged 3 to 6 years, among whom groups of comparison were formed depending on the place of residence, age, and method of therapeutic and preventive measures. The main group was assigned the restorative gel ApaCare "Liquid Enamel" for home use, and the comprarison group was assigned the fluoride varnish "Ivoclar Vivadent Fluor Protector". Clinical examination of the oral cavity was conducted according to the standard scheme, with an assessment of the condition of the teeth and the establishment of a diagnosis according to diagnostic criteria. The intensity of enamel demineralization was evaluated using the 2 % methylene blue staining method on a 10-point Aksamit scale. The indicators of enamel functional resistance were tested according to the enamel resistance test (Okushko V. R.). The investigated indicators were compared at the time of the initial examination and after 12 months of therapeutic and preventive measures.
Results and Discussion. The percentage of children from the examined group who had acute initial caries was 60.36 % (134 individuals). On average, for every examined person, caries in the white spot stage amounted to 2.63 ±0.37 points across the groups. The demineralization intensity of tooth enamel in children aged 3–4 years was determined as a mild level (2–3 scores), in children aged 5–6 years, it was of medium intensity (4–5 scores). The TER demonstrated sufficient enamel resistance in children aged 3–4 years, while in children aged 5–6 years, it showed an average structural-functional enamel resistance. The comparative assessment of the investigated indicators after the implementation of therapeutic and preventive measures demonstrated superior clinical results when applying the protective fluoride varnish "Ivoclar Vivadent Fluor Protector", confirmed by determining the intensity of enamel demineralization and depth.
Conclusions. The implementation of therapeutic and preventive measures for early childhood caries has allowed for a reduction in the intensity and progression of early childhood caries.
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