The role of pathogenetic mechanisms in the formation of hypertrofic gingivitis in cildren with epilepsy
periodontium, hypertrophic gingivitis, children, epileptic diseaseAbstract
Summary. The issue of prevention and treatment of periodontal tissue diseases in children with psychoneurological disorders remains an actual problem in dentistry.
The aim of the study –to study the features of periodontal tissue damage in children with epilepsy.
Materials and Methods. The research was carried out on the base of the Charitable Organization "ROKADA Charitable Fund" (Chortkiv). The main group of the study consisted of 18 children aged 8–10 years, suffering from epilepsy, the control group – children of the same age (n=24). The state of hygiene of the oral cavity and periodontal tissues was determined clinically according to diagnostic criteria.
Results and Discussion. Qualitative assessment of the value of the hygienic index showed that, on average, the hygienic index was 2.03±0.02 points in the group of sick children (1.59±0.23 points in the control group), which indicates an unsatisfactory level of oral hygiene. In the structure of periodontal tissue diseases in children with epilepsy, hypertrophic gingivitis prevailed, the prevalence of which was 61.11±2.34 % among children of the main group, and in 81.82 % of cases among these children, the generalized process prevailed. A month after carrying out sanitary and educational work on rational oral hygiene, professional oral hygiene, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory therapy, the condition of the periodontal tissues improved slightly.
Conclusions. The most effective method of improving the condition of periodontal tissues in children with epilepsy who need life-long antiepileptic drug therapy is the study of pathogenetic mechanisms of this nosology, which prompts their deeper study with priority attention to preventive measures.
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DOI: 10.1186/s12903-019-0902-6. DOI:
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