Influence of burnt injuries of the facial skull on indicators of the regeneration capacity of the body of the victims
gunshot injuries, regenerative capacity of the body, platelets, total protein, albuminsAbstract
Summary. The study of the effect of gunshot trauma to the bones of the facial skull on the indicators of the regenerative capacity of the victims' body was carried out. The content of platelets in peripheral blood, as well as quantitative changes in protein fractions, were studied. It has been established that the content of platelets, total protein, and albumin decreases in victims with gunshot and non-gunshot injuries to the bones of the facial skull. Changes in victims with gunshot injuries are more significant compared to victims with non-gunshot injuries.
The aim of the study – to analyze some blood parameters, which play a significant role in wound healing, in victims with gunshot lesions of the bones of the facial skull.
Materials and Methods. 35 victims with fractures of the bones of the facial skull, aged 19–23, who were accompanied by soft tissue injuries, were selected for the study. Among 17 people with gunshot wounds to the bones of the facial skull (group 1), 11 were diagnosed with fractures of the lower jaw, 2 with fractures of the upper jaw and nasal bones, and 4 with comminuted fractures of the zygomatic bone and arch. Among the 18 victims with nonflammable fractures (group 2), 11 were diagnosed with open fractures of the lower jaw, 5 with fractures of the zygomatic bone and arch, and 2 with fractures of the upper jaw.
Results and Discussion. Thus, the number of platelets was significantly lower in victims with firearm fractures of the facial skull compared to the indicators of victims with non-fire injuries and the control group. Analyzing the content of total protein, as an indicator of the body's reparative ability, it was found that its amount decreased in the victims of the first group, while in the representatives of the 2nd group, it almost did not change compared to the indicators of the control group. In general, the level of albumin in the victims of the 1st group was lower compared to the indicators of the 2nd and control groups. Fibrinogen levels in victims with mandibular gunshot injuries also tended to decrease, but the changes were not statistically significant.
Conclusions. On the basis of the conducted research, it was established that the regenerative potential of the body is reduced in victims with firearm and non-fire damage to the bones of the facial skeleton. It is manifested by a decrease in the number of platelets and an imbalance of protein fractions in the form of a decrease in the total amount of total protein and albumin, which is more pronounced in victims with gunshot injuries. The content of fibrinogen did not change in both studied groups, since its activity is manifested in the early phase of hemostasis.
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