Optimization of diagnostics, prevention and treatment of alveolitis. Literature review
alveolitis, diagnostics, prevention, treatment, methods, meansAbstract
Summary. The issue of diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of alveolitis remains relevant in polyclinic stomatological and surgical practice. The explanation for this problem lies in post-extraction complications. Improving the quality of treatment for patients with alveolitis is associated with many factors: analgesia, tooth extraction algorithm, medication, treatment method, and others. Based on literature data, scientists and practicing doctors have developed various methods and schemes for the treatment of patients with alveolitis, after analyzing the results of treatment, we recommend introducing into clinical work a modern and effective medicinal composition in the treatment of patients with alveolitis.
The aim of the study – to analyze literary sources taking into account the choice of an effective drug with a good clinical effect for the prevention and treatment of alveolitis.
Materials and Methods. The arsenal of antiseptic, disinfectant, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anesthetic drugs, methods, techniques, schemes, compositions, means for the prevention and treatment of patients with alveolitis has been studied. An analysis of the results of previous scientific research was carried out on the basis of literature sources and electronic resources.
Results and Discussion. The results of substantiated methods and techniques, developed schemes, compositions for effective treatment and prevention of patients with alveolitis are presented in the literature. The developed methods are aimed at achieving the best clinical effect, removing the inflammatory process, improving trophic and stimulating regeneration processes, shortening the period of treatment of patients.
The proposed composition, called "Flupetsal", contains the antimicrobial and immunomodulatory drug flurenizide. Due to the combination of the properties of the ingredients, the drug provides a high disinfecting effect, prevents the development of the inflammatory process in the tissues and its transition into the purulent-necrotic phase. Treatment of patients with alveolitis is carried out according to the methods developed by us. During the period of treatment and observation of patients, no local complications associated with the use of "Flupetsal" were detected.
Conclusions. The results of the studied literary sources showed that the prevention and treatment of alveolitis of the jaws remains relevant in the future. Which consists in the development of means that would have: hemostatic, antibacterial and pain-relieving effects. Such a composition is "Flupetsal", in addition, the clinical effectiveness of the proposed method allows you to shorten the period of treatment of patients, reduce the manifestations of the inflammatory reaction, and also accelerates the healing of the alveoli.
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