Assessment of the level of dental health of military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine according to survey data
military personnel, dental diseases, prevention, professional hygiene of the oral cavityAbstract
Summary. In modern conditions, the formation of military units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine during mobilization takes place against the background of a high dental morbidity of the population of the country.
The aim of the work – to assess the level of dental health of military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine according to survey data.
Materials and Methods. A survey was conducted among military personnel of the Ternopil zonal department of the Military Law Enforcement Service. To achieve this goal, a special questionnaire was developed, which consisted of the following sections: passport data, data on military service, assessment of dental health, characteristics of oral hygiene products. An analysis of 982 questionnaires of contract servicemen aged from 20 to 45 years was carried out. The service life of the respondents ranged from 1 to 25 years.
Results and Discussion. Hygiene of the oral cavity is mandatory in military units and should be carried out in a planned manner. It was found that the main reason for seeking dental care among military personnel was the treatment of major dental diseases. A low percentage of military personnel who consulted a dentist for a preventive examination was noted, which indicates a low level of primary prevention among this category of persons.
Conclusions. Therefore, the data obtained on the state of dental health of military personnel require a purposeful approach to the organization of prophylaxis and prevention of complications through professional hygiene and early prosthetics.
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