The influence of simulation of the abnormal timing of dentition on indices of microbiocenosis in the mucous membrane of the oral cavity of experimental animals


  • V. V. Horokhovskyi Odesa National Medical University
  • O. V. Denga The Institute of Stomatology and Maxillo-facial Surgery National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine



dentition, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, antibiotics, oral mucosa


Summary. The mucous membrane of the oral cavity is one of the most important barriers that protects the body from pathogenic microorganisms, mechanical damage and other types of endogenous and exogenous influences. For the effective functioning of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, compliance with many conditions is necessary. Among them, it is worth noting acid-alkaline balance, maintenance of normal biocenosis and compliance with the specified activity of enzymes, such as urease and lysozyme.

The aim of the study – to study the degree of dysbiosis in rats during modeling of eruption disorders by determining the activity of urease and lysozyme.

Materials and Methods. The experiment was performed on 20 white female laboratory rats and 37 male rats. Starting from the first day of drug administration, the males were put together with females. Depending on the drugs used, the animals were divided into 4 groups: 1. Intact (vivarium diet); 2. L-thyroxine in a dose of 10 mg/kg + vivarium diet; 3. Antibiotics (cefoperazone 180 mg/kg – pregnancy, amoxiclav 135 mg/kg – lactation) + vivarium diet; 4. Mercazolil – (20 mg/kg – pregnancy), (50 mg/kg – lactation) + vivarium diet. Further studies were conducted on little rat that were born from the females receiving these drugs. Rats were removed from the experiment under thiopental anesthesia (20 mg/kg) after the lactation period at approximately 35 days of age. The total duration of the experiment was 56 days. During the experiment, the date of the beginning of dentition and the degree of eruption were determined in little rat. A biochemical analysis of the enzymes of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity was performed in rats of all groups.

Results and Discussion. The degree of dysbiosis in the mucous membrane of the oral cavity of rats of the 2nd group (early eruption) increased by 15.3 times compared to rats of the intact group. When simulating the delay in eruption in rats of the 3rd group (antibiotics), the level of dysbiosis increased by 17.8 times compared to those of the 1st group. In the 4th group of rats, which were obtained from the females in which there was a deficiency of thyroid hormones during pregnancy and lactation, the level of dysbiosis was 30.2 times higher than the indices in the intact group of rats.

Conclusions. The results obtained indicate a very high degree of dysbiosis in the mucous membrane of the oral cavity of rats that were modeled delayed and early dentition.


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How to Cite

Horokhovskyi, V. V., & Denga, O. V. (2024). The influence of simulation of the abnormal timing of dentition on indices of microbiocenosis in the mucous membrane of the oral cavity of experimental animals. CLINICAL DENTISTRY, (1), 50–55.



Experimental researches