Results of a survey of parents of younger children regarding individual oral hygiene.
early childhood caries, preschool children, additional hygiene products, bad habits, individual oral hygieneAbstract
Summary. Dental health is an important component of physical health. Analyzing the etiological risk factors for the occurrence of early caries in children, it becomes clear that the greatest responsibility lies precisely with parents, who must monitor the quality and regularity of individual oral hygiene of children, their acquisition of practical skills in dental care and the use of objects and means for removing dental plaque
The aim of the study – to assess the sanitary and hygienic knowledge of parents of preschool children regarding oral care using a survey.
Materials and Methods. For this study, we conducted a survey of 222 parents of younger children who attend preschool education institutions. A paper questionnaire was distributed to the parents, which included questions regarding the assessment of the sanitary and hygienic knowledge of the child's parents. Answers were recorded at home.
Results and Discussion. Clinical observations indicate that the close cooperation of a children's dentist and a pediatrician from the first months of a child's life can ensure the formation of parents' motivation to preserve the child's dental health, create full-fledged conditions for the maturation of temporary teeth and the possibility of eliminating risk factors for the development of caries, ensure the implementation of preventive measures , as well as carry out correction of nutrition and hygienic care of the oral cavity. The results of the questionnaires proved that children living in the city take better and more thorough care of the oral cavity than children living in rural areas.
Conclusions. It is necessary to periodically carry out sanitary and educational work among parents of children of primary school age in order to reduce the risk of developing early childhood caries.
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